
Monday, October 11, 2010

Morning Tea

Today we had a little celebration, a work colleague is leaving and she hosted a morning tea. I am not sure why we celebrate a person's departure, it is quite sad really, losing another valuable member. I am going to miss her giggles. But the spread was good, awesome even! I had to skip lunch because of morning tea. I was starving in the morning becoz I had forgotten to eat dinner last nite, was too busy catching up with too many vampire stories. So anyway, here are some of the photos;of course I ate everything on sight..take no prisoners, what I always say ;)


heed said...

I was cheering - my plate of goodies that got delivered after that morning tea lasted two days, f-n win aye!

I think I should have my leaving celebrated... as do most others around lol.

Gonna need more cowbell!

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