Saturday, February 5, 2011

Penang Lobak

I haven't blog for awhile, I had the blues. I blamed the summer heatwave, brings out the worst in me. I guessed it's not a very good excuse for my bad behaviour lately but meh! I was hot and cranky...just deal with it!

So this weekend, my project is Penang Lobak, also known to the westerners as deep fried 5 spiced meat roll. My recipe is adapted from

I used everything except for turnips, which I haven't got and egg, coz I forgot! Heheh! I only used lean pork coz fatty bouncy pork gives me the shivers! Gag!!!

So I chopped the lean pork to tiny pieces. Did the same with the carrots and onions. Added some chillies coz I can. Mixed in with sesame seeds, sesame oil, five spice powder, cornflour and salt and pepper to taste. Mixed it all up in one big bowl and left to sit in the fridge to marinate. I was tempted to add some chopped prawn meat but decided to save those prawns for assam prawns for another day.

I steamed it before deep frying, kinda like precooked the meat before frying the bean curd sheets, to avoid burning the sheets before meat gets cooked. Since I don't have a steamer that would fit all this in, I placed it on a tray and chucked in the oven beside a bowl of hot water, while oven is on. The steam cooks the skin a little too, so it doesn't break or dry up  when deep frying later.


Indonesia Eats said...

Looking good! This reminds me of ngo hiang or kekian in Indonesia.

Nuttymeg said...

It probably is, alot of our Asian food are related ;) I just had craving for deep fried stuff yesterday.. it was superb, love five spiced marinate on pork.

thang @ noodlies said...

Sometimes I wish I could cook, looking at your blog, but I guess I'm destined to only dine out.

Now that the cool change has hit, can we look forward to more blog posts?

chocolatesuze said...

zomg lobak! i havent had a decent one in sydney for agggges!

pay5afterse7en said...

Thx, I do love cooking, more eating than cooking, but you're so lucky to have so many eateries in Sydney and Cabra.

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