Saturday, March 12, 2011

Lemon Barley Water

The Brodin household has been sick lately, started off with me, now passed on to son. Poor thing! At least I am not trying to excavate his nostrils, bahahahhah.....the poor boy is congested! So I made him take his meds and vitamin c tabs and I am now boiling pearl barley for him to drink. I will add some lemon for him so that it will taste like lemon barley.
  1. Rinse barley as you would washing rice before cooking. Some people leave the barley soaking overnite but I don't have time for that right now.
  2. Put in large pot, add water and turn on stove. Keep boiling till water turns cloudy from the barley
  3. If you have pandan leaves, add that in. To make it smell nice and taste nice. But no pandan leaves in Wagga....... so screw it, just boil the damn thing.... LOL
  4. Strain, let sick boy drink the juice.
  5. Add a drop of lemon juice or lemon slice. Drink it warm. The barley can also be eaten ;) don't waste it!
Will post photo of drink when ready. It is not very attractive, just murky cloudy water ;)
Photos as below;


thang @ noodlies said...

Let's hope everyone recovers soon xxx

Mochachocolata Rita said...

I need a glass of this asap! Cough cough cough :(

Spoon and Chopsticks said...

That's a very simple method of preparing barley drink. I've tried Mugicha before. I'm going to try your method too. Thanks for sharing.

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